To watch recordings just click on the recording file and it will launch a LAN server for you to join!

Download the .tar and extract it anywhere
it doesnt matter the location,
then to watch recordings open the terminal and CD into the directory where the dedcon binary
You can invoke dedcon to load a recording by typing...
-l exampledrecording.dcrec
and the recording should show up in the lan browser!
Remember for 8 and 10 player recordings you will need to invoke dedcon with...
and use the
./dedcon10p and use the

Since MacOS supports Unix commands the instructions for watching recordings are the same as Linux.

Really simple just run the installer and
away you go!
If you want to host servers on windows remember to uninstall the old dedcon completely as the new
installer comes with updated

You can download the .tar and extract
the folder anywhere, dedcon does not care
where it lives.
And after that you should be good to go! as a linux user you will figure it out im sure :)

Installing Dedcon for MacOS is the same as Linux, just download the .tar and place it anywhere that you want to.